Advantages of Laser Marking on Custom Silicone Keypads
Manufacturers have discovered that marking offers a number of benefits over traditional ink labeling. It is an economic and versatile solution for custom silicone keypads. silicone ink Laser Marking Looks Great Laser marking is capable of extremely fine detail, allowing intricate designs and very small fonts to be used in the design of custom silicone keypads. Shapes and lettering that might be impossible to make clearly with ink marking is easy when using lasers. Computer controlled lasers produce incredibly precise movements and details so fine they are on the edge of what the eye can detect. The process doesn't discolor or distort the silicone background. Mechanical methods can mar the material and inks can smear if not allowed enough drying time, but laser marking is clear and sharp every time. The technique is especially suited for custom silicone keypads that will be backlit as the laser cut markings allow the light to pas through. An Economical Labeling Choice Althou...